
Welcome to Galerie de la FluteSpell.

A community space, and art gallery of all things FluteSpell and potential more! If you like music we have a curated monthly radio show by yours truly over at Thrift Store Radio. Right now its just a little hole in the wall, but soon a whole Thrift Store shop will be set up with archives and interactables, so stay tuned! The gallery is still under construction and there is a lot more in store, and come back on the first saturday of every month for a new episode of Thrift Store Radio!

September Thoughts

Hello, and welcome to September! School just started for me so I havnt had a whole lot of time to touch up on the website, and as you have probably noticed TSR is a week late. There are a couple of new things here now, like the "gallery" page (under construction) the Guest Book that you should totally sign, and the "about" page where you can find more personal stuff, and see how to contact me for any inquires. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this months installment of Thrift Store Radio, and keep an eye out for October I have a lot of ideas for that one ill be cooking up with some friends. Stay tuned! - FluteSpell

Thrift Store Banner

Listen to the newest episode of Thrift Store Radio!

Hibari Framed Mask Framed eyes framed

An installation of eggshell stickers featuring FluteSpell written on them in a stylized manner.


I love Local Music no nfts in my gallery no AI idk how to use HTML how did i get here. Guestbook

Made with Neocities! FLSPL Button

no ai webring previous random next a bluegreen rectangle showing the words the NO AI webring, with NO AI being written by a fountain pen, all in the style of 16 bit Windows 95 icons. to either side are two equally Windows-95-style cursors pointing left and right, softly bouncing up and down. in between it all is a small black question mark

2024 FluteSpell